Active Stocks
Mon Dec 30 2024 15:21:18
  1. Tata Steel share price
  2. 137.00 -1.40%
  1. Wipro share price
  2. 303.75 -1.73%
  1. Tata Motors share price
  2. 732.65 -2.38%
  1. State Bank Of India share price
  2. 787.05 -1.56%
  1. ITC share price
  2. 476.95 -0.41%
Business News/  Opinion


Trillion dollar question: Will events of 2024 set off a headwind or tailwind?

Globally, 2024 saw the unchallenged rise of right-wing parties and politicians in various national elections, the intensification of wars and brutality, a regime change in Syria and the deepening of old fault-lines in West Asia. Premium
Globally, 2024 saw the unchallenged rise of right-wing parties and politicians in various national elections, the intensification of wars and brutality, a regime change in Syria and the deepening of old fault-lines in West Asia.
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